Innovation Manager – Co-Location Center Central

About the position

The Innovation Manager position at EIT Manufacturing Co-Location Center (CLC) Central will be responsible of facilitating and driving regional EIT Manufacturing innovation projects in countries of the CLC perimeter: Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland and Ukraine. She/he will support the implementation of EIT Manufacturing’s innovation strategy on a European level and act as a reference manufacturing expert for selected technologies. The Innovation Manager will also be in charge of monitoring and advising the EIT Manufacturing projects portfolio assigned to her/him.
The position reports directly to the CLC Director and indirectly to the EIT Manufacturing Director of Innovation. It also includes the supervision of a working student.

How to apply

A complete application should consist of

  • a full curriculum vitae,
  • a covering letter describing briefly how you meet the criteria outlined and your vision for the role

The application should be sent via e-mail to: [email protected] with subject header “EIT Manufacturing Innovation Manager CLC Central”.

The application should be written in English.
Only complete applications will be evaluated.

Closing date is 29 September 2023.

For further information, please contact [email protected]