Business Development and Innovation Manager – EIT Manufacturing South East

About the position:

The Business Development and Innovation Manager in EIT Manufacturing South East regional office covers the countries of the EIT Manufacturing South East perimeter: Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania and Turkey.

The Business Development and Innovation Manager in EIT Manufacturing South East is in charge of developing the Business Development and Innovation strategy in the local ecosystem, working hand in hand with multiple stakeholders. The key targets of the actions are SMEs, intermediate companies, and Corporates.

The Business Development and Innovation Manager enables the companies in Manufacturing community to develop and grow across Europe, by leveraging the full capabilities of business development and innovation department – Managers, Experts, Technical Experts, Investors in the EIT Manufacturing South East and in cooperation with other EIT Manufacturing regional offices. The manager builds and strengthens the bridge between startups and the SMEs/Intermediate/Corporates.

The objective is to deliver results on both financial and non-financial aspects.

How to apply:

A complete application should consist of

  • a full curriculum vitae and
  • a covering letter describing briefly how

you meet the criteria outlined and your vision for the vacancy.

Please send your application via e-mail to: with subject “EIT Manufacturing South East | Business Development and Innovation Manager”.

The application should be written in English.

Only complete applications will be evaluated.

Closing date is the 14 July 2024.

For further information, please contact

Please join us on this exciting journey.  Send us your application now!