Synbio Powerhouse

Image credit: Drew Hays on Unsplash

Synthetic Biology Ecosystem

Currently the global climate crisis and the changing customer behavior it causes call for game changing materials, products, chemicals and fuels. The answer to this massive challenge can be found in microscopic organisms, living cells that, through new technologies can be programmed to act as living factories. This is what synthetic biology does.

Synbio Powerhouse is a Finland-based ecosystem of companies and research organizations looking for answers in synthetic biology. This technology is new to many, disruptive in nature and not a branch of industry in itself, but rather an enabling technology to be used in numerous industries.

Synthetic biology is a disruptive technology that aims to enable a cheaper, faster and cleaner way to produce materials for many of the high-volume products needed in our current way of life. We can expect synthetic biology to renew and even challenge many major industries and processes.