Reskilling and Upskilling the Future‐ready Workforce for Industry 4.0 and Beyond
Image credit: Patrick Perkins on Unsplash
By 2025, half of all employees worldwide would need reskilling due to adopting new technology.
Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing manufacturing processes and has a powerful impact on globalization by changing the workforce and increasing access to new skills and knowledge. World Economic Forum estimates that a third of the essential skills in 2025 will consist of technology competencies not yet regarded as crucial to today’s job requirements.
Looking forward to 2025 and beyond, analytical thinking and innovation skills crown the skillset list that employers believe will grow in prominence in the next five years. Active learning and learning strategies are a new skill set that trailed behind the top one. Analytical thinking and active learning ranked number 1 and number 2 in 2025, emphasizing cognitive self-management.
The findings of the study suggest that life-long learning should be part of an organization’s strategic goals. Both individuals and companies need to commit to reskilling and upskilling and make career development an essential phase of the future workforce. Great efforts should be taken to make these learning opportunities, such as reskilling and upskilling, accessible, available, and affordable to the workforce.
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