Open data ecosystems important for circular economy

Image credit: Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Secure and open data exchange must be available to all players in the value chain.

“We have to raise sustainability along the supply chain but on the other hand, you also have to collect data all over the supply chain. That’s the key, that we can exchange the data for automotive. At the moment we, as tier one, we know our customer. We know our tier two, but we don’t know the tier 3 supplier. Everyone in this supply chain knows the one before and then one after him. But we don’t have a chain of this. If you are thinking about resilience or gaining data for the circular economy or something like that, then you need Catena-X to pass the data and you need Gaia-X, which is delivering the rules of how we work together. I think that’s one of the major topics: that we’re able in Europe to bring up this information about the chain from the lower delivery up to the end consumer.

Open and secure data ecosystems and infrastructure can allow manufacturers to develop new business models, improve supply chain resilience and efficiency, develop circular solutions, and implement digital technologies at scale.