Modular manufacturing systems
Image credit: Vlado Paunovic on Unsplash
“Modularization instead of the huge monster production machines that we have today.”
(22:06) “Modularization of production equipment for us could be a big game changer. I cannot say 100% for all the industries, but a lot of industries operate like we have… Our production facilities, we design them from front to end, as complex interconnected machines that you need to move. When you move, you move the whole thing all together. When you build a new plant, you build everything by some standards developed 15-20 years ago, the same way, because changing the interconnection and complexity of different connections would destroy our process and design. So, everything that we think about right now, is modular and easily scalable. This is more like a vision, that you have modules on tracks and when you need to produce something, you just put those tracks together, you open the backside, you connect, and those tracks start to be your production facility for the next week. You produce and you go somewhere else to produce, for example.”
Modular manufacturing systems are proposed to increase the flexibility of the manufacturing operation in terms of its range of function, product, and service by modularizations and its ability to be easily reconfigured in the face of changing conditions.
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