Distro – A new microgrid electricity trading platform

Image credit: william william on Unsplash

Distro is accelerating the energy transition by providing better prices for renewable power.

The first high-frequency decentralized energy trading platform was successfully piloted at the Port of Rotterdam. Jointly developed by S&P Global Platts and BlockLab, Distro is a new microgrid electricity trading platform that leverages both Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain’s distributed ledger technology.

Under the ongoing trial that commenced in August 2020, commercial energy consumers in the Port of Rotterdam used the Distro microgrid trading platform to actively trade renewable energy derived from solar and battery storage, matching demand with intermittent power generation.

The positive results of the pilot validate the technical and commercial potential for Distro to be deployed in other locations around the world.

Traditional power grids have come under increasing strain arising from supply-side volatility and ultimately rising costs as the world transitions towards electrification and addresses renewable energy targets. Distro brings seamless and tangible benefits of lower prices, improved payback on batteries and solar panels while maximizing the use of renewable energy.