Controlled Data Exchange to support Manufacturing Value Chain

Managing the Complexity of Supply Chain/Value Chain supported through “managed digitalization” and the controlled co-operation through data

Both efficiency and risk profile of any one manufacturing company are dependent on the company’s supply chain. Making targeted information accessible to business partners allowing for informed decisions can be in the best interest of each individual company. There are efforts to support the technologies necessary to make this possible e.g. with Gaia-X:
A Federated and Secure Data Infrastructure
Innovation through digital sovereignty – that’s the goal of Gaia-X. We achieve this by establishing an ecosystem in which data is made available, collated and shared in a trustworthy environment. The users always retain sovereignty over their data. So, what emerges is not a cloud, but a federated system that links many cloud services providers and users together.

And along with several government supported initiatives, there is also the CatenaX industry organization for creating Gaia-X based functionality in the automotive industry.

Although there are still eco-system specific issues to be solved, the technology issues are being addressed.