EIT Manufacturing’s RIS Hubs

EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), such as EIT Manufacturing, engage local organisations to serve as EIT Hubs in EIT RIS countries and regions. Local organisations are selected through an open, competitive selection process and are designated to function as an EIT Hub for a specific KIC.

The primary role of the EIT Hub is to ensure the visibility of the EIT Community and raise awareness of activities and cooperation opportunities for local actors representing education, business and research areas. EIT Hubs also liaise with the relevant national, regional and local authorities, and facilitate the sharing of EIT Innovation Community expertise with them.

In 2020, EIT Manufacturing established Hubs in 12 RIS countries. The EIT Manufacturing Hubs facilitate the deployment of EIT Manufacturing activities, especially the RIS scheme, and serve to mobilise, interlink and internationalise networks. They have the role of an “interaction point” between the EIT Manufacturing KIC and the local innovation ecosystem.


Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STUBA)

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EIT Manufacturing is headquartered in Paris-Saclay and has six regional offices across Europe.

EIT Manufacturing’s offices are strategically situated to link regions that have high levels of manufacturing activity and advanced technology.