Collaborate with our Doctoral School
Manufacturing experts and industrial companies
Partner with our Doctoral School!
The EITM Doctoral School is a partnership between EIT Manufacturing and its university partners to educate PhD students to learn how to transform their research results into market solutions and startups.
The School is managed by the EITM Doctoral School Head with the support of the Scientific and Industrial Commmittee (SIC).
General Partnerships Information
Industrial companies can offer PhD positions (Industrial Doctorate) based on the EIT Manufacturing thematic areas and in collaboration with the EIT Manufacturing Doctoral School university partners.
EIT Manufacturing industrial partners can have these PhD positions partially covered by Doctoral School funding.
Industrial partners can propose their PhD topics to the Doctoral School office all year round, by contacting the Doctoral School Office at: [email protected].
The EIT Manufacturing Doctoral Scientific and Industrial Committee (EITM DSIC) will review the proposals and select the most relevant to be submitted to the students. Accepted Industrial Doctorate proposals will be published on the EIT Manufacturing Doctoral School web page and university partner websites, in order to recruit students.
Organisations and individual experts that have not applied for or received partnership status are strongly encouraged to register in the experts area in our Plaza system. They will have the opportunity to participate in the Doctoral School annual programme as subcontractors under the H2020/Horizon Europe and national legislation rules and other relevant local regulations.
In order to be considered for this Education call, innovation and entrepreneurship education experts must fill in the registration form at the following link:
Please note experts don’t need to have an account in the Plaza system to join the list of experts.
Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive a notification e-mail from EIT Manufacturing confirming your registration and including a link where you can contact the EIT Manufacturing partners to discuss possible collaborations. We also recommend reaching out to the Doctoral School Partners to participate in specific calls.
For European manufacturing companies and research center
The SIC is the main governing board of the Doctoral School and consists of academic and not academic members. The number of academic members must be the majority.
Only the members of the EITM Doctoral School can participate, as academic partners. The NOT-academic members can be companies of any size, research centres and other organizations important for the manufacturing sector.
The SIC has the overarching responsibility to define and maintain the vision of the Doctoral School. Additionally, it supports the Doctoral School Head in the definition and implementation of the annual programme. This includes the following responsibilities:
- Validate and propose updates to the Doctoral School Vision, in line with EIT Manufacturing thematic areas, every two years
- Identify, along the two years period, the Doctoral School strategic objectives
- Define the annual program and the plan for Doctoral School Activities call
- Define the PhD student’s application/selection calendar
- Select the PhD students and approve scholarships
- Provide/Collect industrial PhD positions, internships and/or employment positions.
- Identify constraints, costs, n. of students, needed facilities for research positions
- EIT Label accreditation renewal
Academic members:
Applicants must be university partners of the EITM Doctoral School Head.
All EITM Manufacturing not academic partners can apply to the SIC and also any other company (such as startups) and other kind of organizations linked to and having a certain importance for manufacturing sector.
Priority is given to members of EIT Manufacturing, but external members can be accepted if the current SIC consider their participation valuable and missing among the existing representative organizations.
Open calls are published on EITM website, when a new position is available.
To apply, you have to send an e-mail with you candidature to the attention of the Head of the Doctoral School, expressing your interest in joining the SIC. Please also include a letter with:
- a short description of the company/organization and
- Company/organization motivation to join the SIC and contribution, and
- the person that will represent it into the SIC, such as:
- Name and surname
- Job title
- Brief job description and experience, and
- motivation for joining the EITM Doctoral School SIC
The message must be sent at: [email protected]
The evaluation will be done by the SIC and it will consider first the balance of the SIC members, in terms of type of organization and size, and second the profile and motivation of similar candidates.