EIT Alumni Community

This is a joint initiative involving EIT Manufacturing with the other KICs to create and support an interdisciplinary and multicultural network of networks for people who have completed a programme in one of the KICs. It gathers graduates and alumni from EIT’s education, business creation and/or innovation programmes, regardless of the KIC to which they belong, the area in which they specialise, or the part of the world in which they live. The EIT Alumni Community brings together entrepreneurs and innovation enthusiasts who share a common vision for creating positive societal impact through innovation and entrepreneurship.

The EIT Alumni Board is made up of representatives of the five current individual Alumni Communities from among the KICs: EIT Digital Alumni, EIT Climate-KIC Alumni, EIT InnoEnergy CommUnity, EIT Health Alumni, EIT Raw Materials Alumni, and two addtional members. The EIT Alumni Board is responsible for the strategic development of the EIT Alumni Community and encouraging an active exchange between members. In its work, the EIT Alumni Board ensures complementarity and alignment with KIC Alumni Associations and the EIT`s strategies and activities.

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EIT Manufacturing is headquartered in Paris-Saclay and has six regional offices across Europe.

EIT Manufacturing’s offices are strategically situated to link regions that have high levels of manufacturing activity and advanced technology.