CIM 4.0

CIM4.0 aims to acce­le­ra­te stron­gly, at local and natio­nal level, the tran­sfor­ma­tion pro­cess of a wide por­tion of Ita­lian pro­duc­tion eco­sy­stem; espe­cial­ly SMEs. CIM4.0 pro­po­ses itself as an inte­gra­ted refe­ren­ce point for all tho­se acti­vi­ties regar­ding the push of skills and good prac­ti­ces. Also, it pro­vi­des trai­ning actions and expe­rien­ces in the field, tech­no­lo­gi­cal sec­tors and indu­strial areas of the Pied­mont region; also sprea­ding this exper­ti­se in the ove­rall Ita­lian ter­ri­to­ry. CIM4.0 is based on the con­cept of “pilot lines” or manu­fac­tu­ring demon­stra­tion lines.


Corso Settembrini 178,
10135 Torino (TO)

Email: [email protected]
