Nuggets on the digital transformation of work on the shop floor

Nuggets on the digital transformation of work on the shop floor- [DIG_WORK]

The course targets three distinct market segments: 1) Master students, especially the ones involved in honoured programs; 2) graduated apprentices involved in specializing master programs; 3) managers and entrepreneurs in medium-sized and large firms.

Communication and promotion of the initiative will be differentiated depending on the specificities of each of these three market segments. To increase the reach of the course, its structure and learning objectives will be presented in practitioners’ conferences and in the main meetings of the EIT Manufacturing community. Specifically, EIT Manufacturing will organize a central public event. The DIG_WORK initiative will contribute to this dissemination event and present the targeted result of the KAVA. Promotion of the initiative in Italy and Greece will be done with the collaboration of the local industrial associations, with the intent to increase the number of people (among practitioners) attending the course.


Leading organization

Politecnico di TorinoPolitecnico di Torino

Politecnico di Torino
