Supernovas launches Investment Forum for female-led startups in Manufacturing
Supernovas WIN (Women Investment Network) is gearing up for its second investment forum, focusing exclusively on female-led startups in the manufacturing sector. This groundbreaking event offers investors a unique opportunity to access curated investment prospects, handpicked by EIT Manufacturing, the largest manufacturing-focused Knowledge and Innovation Community within the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union.
In Europe, female representation in venture investment remains low, both in venture capital funds and as business angels (IDC European women in Venture Capital, 2023). This gender disparity results in female-led or mixed-gender teams receiving less funding compared to all-male teams. To address this issue, the Women Investment Network (WIN) initiative is born, an activity dedicated to increasing the presence of women among entrepreneurs and investors, reinforcing their roles in the ecosystem. WIN operates under the umbrella of Supernovas, a program focused on increasing women-led entrepreneurship created by EIT, Europe’s largest innovation ecosystem. Supernovas is coordinated by EIT Manufacturing, EIT Food, and EIT Urban Mobility, three of the nine EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities.
Supernovas WIN comprises three activities: training for women in venture capital, training for female business angels and investment forums. The latter, Supernovas WIN Investment Forums, consists of meetings where startups founded and/or led by women in a certain sector present their projects to specialised investors.
The second of such forums, led by EIT Manufacturing, focuses on innovation and technology for the manufacturing sector, in particular flexible production systems; sustainability, resource optimization and circular economy in manufacturing; digital and collaborative solutions and automation and robotics. The event will take place online on October 18th. The call for female-founded and/or led startups in Manufacturing is open until October 1st on Supernovas selection platform. The event is open to investors active in the Manufacturing field, either venture capital funds, corporate funds, business angels or other type of investors, and registration is open on the WIN Manufacturing forum page.
Furthermore, Supernovas WIN offers customized training for female investors based on their type (venture capital and business angels) and experience level (beginners and experienced). Detailed information on dates, deadlines, and the registration process can be found on the Supernovas WIN website.