Learn about the Call for Proposals 2025!
The Call for Proposals 2025 has been opened. These questions and answers are designed to give you a better overview of the entire process and also about details you may be interested in.
Call process & general information
The EIT Manufacturing Call for Proposals is a vehicle to allocate funding for projects in line with the strategic objectives of EIT Manufacturing. Its aim is to accelerate turning scientific advances into marketable innovations in manufacturing to help prepare the industry for a green, digital and competitive future that is socially and environmentally sustainable. The call guidelines describe all conditions for submission.
As EIT Manufacturing helps to make innovation happen, most of its operational budget of roughly €400 million until 2026 is dedicated to funding projects that turn research into industry-ready solutions. -
The EIT Manufacturing Call for Proposals 2025 allows for 12-Month activity proposals.
Any legal entity, regardless of its place of establishment, including legal entities from non-associated third countries or international organizations is eligible to participate (whether it is eligible for funding or not), provided that the conditions laid down in the Horizon Europe Regulation2F10 have been met, along with any other conditions laid down in the specific call topic.
Participants from Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU), the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) linked to the Member States and the countries associated with Horizon Europe and the low- and middle-income countries are welcome to submit proposals and eligible for funding.
You can check the most updated list of the List of Participating Countries in Horizon Europe here.You do not have to be an existing partner of EIT Manufacturing to apply for funding. Entities of proposals selected for funding will be asked to be part of the EIT Manufacturing community and choose one of the available partnership models before the project starts.
Please consider that the Call for Proposals 2025 guidelines define additional specific conditions for consortia composition. -
The main changes relate to the fact that EIT Manufacturing is arriving at the end of the multi-annual business plan, and simplification to some of the requirements made in the past are being done. In a nutshell:
– Duration: only 12-month projects will be funded during this CfP. Also, only one Call will be launched for 2025 activities.
– Consortia need only to cover 2 countries located in 2 different ICs instead of 3 (ICs – Impact Centers, formerly known as CLCs).
– Funding limit: maximum available funding per proposal has been raised to EUR 700,000 for Topic 1 and to EUR 1,000,000 for Topic 2.
– Financial Sustainability mechanism: a fixed amount is expected at the end of the project, then revenue sharing on performed sales.
– New attachments: Business Plan and SDG questionnaire
– KPIs: Education nuggets are not needed anymore and can be replaced by a simple deliverable (skills development strategy or training video).
– Selection process: second stage evaluation through a hearing for the best proposals of the first stage evaluation from experts. -
The main changes relate to the fact that EIT Manufacturing is arriving at the end of the business plan, and simplification to some of the requirements made in the past are being done. In a nutshell:
- Duration: only 12-month projects will be funded during this CfP. Also, only one Call will be launched for 2025 activities.
- Consortia need only to cover 2 countries located in 2 different ICs instead of 3 (ICs – Impact Centers, formerly known as CLCs). It should also include entities from at least 2 different RIS countries.
- 2 different types of activities to be funded: RIS Innovation (Topic 1) and RIS education (Topic 2).
- Funding has been increased.
- Financial Sustainability mechanisms updated.
- New attachments needed.
- Selection process: second stage evaluation through a hearing for the best proposals of the first stage evaluation from experts.
This year there will be just one main Call for Proposals.
Submission and evaluation phase
The strategic evaluation, including the hearing, will allow to clarify a limited number of questions that might be raised during offline evaluation. It is a great opportunity for applicants to share their passion and commitment to the project, and for EIT Manufacturing to meet the team behind the best ranked projects.
Business Plan has been set up to replace most of the questions that used to be in the impact section or in the Business Owner deck. It is a more structured document that will better reflect the business maturity of applicants and give the opportunity to present the project as one would do to an investor.
This document will be a living document that will be updated through the entire duration of the project, therefore reducing the burden of producing the final deliverable of the project. It does not need to reach 15 pages at the application stage, but it needs to address all sections with well explained qualitative and quantitative data to support the business ambitions of the project.
The SDG questionnaire replaces equivalent questions that were asked in the impact section. It allows to describe, with self-chosen KPIs, the impact that a given solution can have if it reaches maturity. Applicants are asked to identify at least one SDG that they contribute to, any additional one being seen as a plus. This questionnaire is a living document that will be used to produce the final sustainability report.
After the experts’ evaluation, a first ranking of proposals will be made. Starting with the highest-scoring proposal and proceeding in descending order, a selection will be made of the best-ranked proposals that move on to the next phase.
The descending of the ranking will be stopped once the cumulative financial support equaling to no more than 200% of the available budget per topic has been reached.
The content is generic, the template is downloadable from the website. You will need to fill in the details and upload it for every proposal that you are submitting.
No, you cannot use your previous credentials in NetSuite. You need to register as a user in NetSuite using the form.
Yes, you can have multiple co-editors for the same proposal. To be a co-editor, you need to register as a user in NetSuite using the following link.
Yes, the data will be migrated to NetSuite for Project Management in the upcoming months.
All links needed for the proposal submission can be found on EIT Manufacturing’s website: https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/calls/call-for-proposals-2025/
If a company was already registered in Plaza, it was already migrated to the new tool; no need to register the company again. However, the contacts of the company need to be registered to get access to NetSuite.
At the moment, NetSuite does not track changes made by each editor.
For the application to the Call for Proposals, all registered users will get the same level of access to the Partner Area (the ability to create/save/edit/submit proposals).
At the moment no, there is no possibility to download the application form and work offline.
Currently, a Word document that mimics the application form contents is being prepared. In that way, the applicants could work offline in the document and then copy paste the information into the online form.
To change this layout, you will find a button to change it manually in the platform.
Yes, you can add only one line per organisation in the Organizations subtab (Under Contact sub-tab). Additional contacts can be added in the Contacts subtab. These users can be assigned to Tasks in the Budget section.
No. In the Implementation tab, it is explained how the proposal objectives are going to be achieved by planning a tangible work-plan, in the form of work packages that organize the different tasks and deliverables. WPs help you to divide up project work and tasks into more manageable parts.
WPs are usually high-level tasks that help summarise work and describe different parts of the proposal. For example, they could represent phases of your proposal or different areas of work (e.g. research, management and dissemination, etc..). -
Once submitted, the proposal cannot be edited any further. It is locked and set for the Evaluation phase.
Financial sustainability mechanism
Apart from the mandatory 50K EUR to be paid at the end of the project, there are no additional mandatory amounts to be paid to EIT Manufacturing. 100% of the grant is the level of ambition that EIT Manufacturing would like to see in proposals, as it corresponds to large sales ambitions, but there is no binding mechanism to this amount as only real sales will be considered to calculate the amount to be paid to EIT Manufacturing.
Proposals showing this level of ambition at application stage will be scored high on the corresponding criterion.
Please note that this cost is not eligible to the project budget.
It is up to the consortium to decide how to share the fee.
The main Education Call targets upskilling and reskilling of the European manufacturing workforce rather than university students. Therefore, the delivery after the conclusion of the funding is foreseen under payment for companies.
If the universities want to use the material developed during the projects for training their own students, they can use it for free. If the content is developed in EITM learning platform, core partners have access to 25 licenses in the platform to access the courses.
50K EUR is dedicated to the project and therefore this is considered additional services to what the membership services cover.
In Education Call, the Business Owner role can be divided among several organizations. However, these organizations should have demonstrated track record on commercialising learning programmes in the manufacturing industry.
Trainings developed under the Education Main Call should be exploited after the conclusion of funding and must be upon payment.
The FSA will need to be signed by all the parties that will pay the fee and the Business Owner is a necessary signatory of the FSA.
Apart from the mandatory 50K EUR to be paid at the end of the project, there are no additional mandatory amounts to be paid to EIT Manufacturing.
100% of the grant is the level of ambition that EIT Manufacturing would like to see in proposals, as it corresponds to large sales ambitions, but there is no binding mechanism to this amount as only real sales will be considered to calculate the amount to be paid to EIT Manufacturing, based on the percentage of revenue sharing agreed in the FSA.
It is up to the consortium to decide how to share the fee.
The 50K EUR is for the consortium as a whole, not for each partner.
EIT Manufacturing membership & consortia creation
It is possible to apply without membership but if your proposal is selected for funding you need to become an EIT Manufacturing member. This is applicable to all Calls.
Yes, all consortium members need to upload the signed DoH at the application stage.
In principle, the same consortium can submit more than one proposal answering the same topic. Nevertheless, it is important that the objectives of the proposals and the solutions to be marketed are clearly different. In addition, the “no double funding” principle must be respected.
For EIT Manufacturing Call for Proposals, Horizon Europe rules are followed. For this specific aspect, consortium shall be composed by at least 3 entities which should belong to at least 2 Impact Centers (ICs) or formerly known as CLCs. Additional requirements appily depending on the call, please check the guidelines.
Apart from the MatchMaking Event, you can post ideas and connect with the peers on AGORA. Another option is to get in touch with your local Impact Centers and the teams there who can help you.
Yes, the technology providers are eligible to join the consortia. In Innovation, they are normally the Business or the IP owner.
Further questions
While we aim to fund the most promising proposals, we understand that not all can be selected due to limited resources.
Nevertheless, EIT Manufacturing offers a range of services to support companies in bringing their innovations to market and solving specific industrial needs.
We foresee that new training courses or modules are developed within the framework of the CfP and during the execution of the programmes. However, existent content can be “recycled” and enhanced if in line with the defined topics. Please consider that all learning programmes should align with EIT Manufacturing non-degree label programme and competency framework.
You can access the results of previous years’ calls on their dedicated web pages. Please note that the results of the most recent call (the second Call for Proposals 2024 launched in September 2023) are not public yet, but you can review the outcomes of previous ones. You can find the results of the 1st Call for Proposals 2024 of launched in April 2023 here: https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/calls/first-call-for-proposal-2024/