EIT Manufacturing Launches National-Level Programme in Serbia

Team shaking hands about future goalsTeam shaking hands about future goals

EIT Manufacturing is proud to announce the launch of its national-level programme in Serbia, implemented in collaboration with the Serbian Association of Regional Development Agencies (SARRA) and REDASP Sumadija and Pomoravlje. This initiative is designed to mobilise and interlink manufacturing stakeholders across Serbia, fostering cooperation between national and regional actors and EIT Manufacturing to create inclusive, digital, and green manufacturing ecosystems.

Programme Focus

One of the standout features of this programme is its strong emphasis on inclusion, with a clear focus on fast-tracking the transition of Serbian manufacturing ecosystems to better account for diversity, youth engagement, and gender equality. The initiative will also target groups at risk, helping to make the manufacturing sector more attractive as a career option for a wider range of individuals, thus delivering benefits for society as a whole.

“The signing of the cooperation agreement between EIT Manufacturing and SARRA marks an important step towards strengthening innovation and industrial transformation in Serbia. This collaboration will provide regional development agencies with access to advanced technologies, expertise, and international networks offered by EIT Manufacturing. Through joint projects, training, and knowledge exchange, the goal is to enhance the capacities of the domestic industry and promote the circular economy, contributing to sustainable economic growth and boosting Serbia’s competitiveness at both the European and global levels.”

Nenad Popovic, President of SARRA and Director of REDASP

Strategic Priorities

  • Inclusive and Gender-Balanced Innovation Talent Hub: Creating a gender-balanced innovation hub to drive forward the talent pool in the region.
  • Innovation and Infrastructure Grants: Supporting Serbian manufacturing ecosystems to secure funding and investments that enable the transition to digital and green manufacturing practices.
  • Talent and Vocational Hubs: Developing regional talent hubs and vocational centers of excellence that address labour shortages and skills gaps, with a particular focus on upskilling individuals with disabilities.
  • Professional Development: Organising seminars, gatherings, and promotional events to support professional development within the sector.
  • Research and Innovation: Conducting studies, research, and analysis to foster innovation and commercialisation efforts.
  • Industry and Academia Collaboration: Connecting scientific research organisations with private companies to drive innovation and development.
  • International Cooperation: Working with international financial institutions, organisations, donors, and the private sector to bolster the programme’s impact.

“We are very content to be able to scale up our regional interventions in Serbia and take a national-level approach towards devising inclusive, sustainable, and digital manufacturing ecosystems in Serbia. Our partnership with SARRA is pivotal, and we look forward to this new initiative.”

Adrian Solomon, Manager, Serbia, EIT Manufacturing

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