EIT Manufacturing East Hosts Slovak Delegation for Strategic Innovation Study Visit

Vienna, 22 June, 2024 – EIT Manufacturing East recently welcomed a Slovak government delegation for an insightful three-day study visit. This event focused on developing and implementing effective innovation strategies at both national and regional levels. The visit, facilitated by the EIT Manufacturing – Slovakia – X Fund, exemplifies a joint effort between EIT Manufacturing East and the Slovak Ministry of Investment, Regional Development, and Informatization (MIRRI).

Exploring Austria’s Innovation Landscape

Comprising leading officials from several Slovak governmental departments, the delegation engaged with Austria’s innovative infrastructure and its progress in digital transformation. The visit aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how innovation strategies are crafted and executed in Austria, potentially serving as a model for Slovak policy.

Engaging with Austrian Officials and Experts

Throughout their stay, the Slovak delegation had enriching discussions with high-level officials from prominent Austrian institutions. They met with representatives from the Austrian Federal Chancellery, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy, and the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.

Touring Cutting-Edge Facilities

In addition to policy discussions, the delegation toured several state-of-the-art facilities, including:

  • TU Vienna’s Pilot Factory (TU Wien Pilotfabrik Industrie 4.0): An advanced demonstration site for Industry 4.0 technologies.
  • IFT-TEC Lab (Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Photonische Technologien): A leading center for manufacturing technology and photonic innovations.
  • JKU LIT Factory (JKU – LIT Open Innovation Center): A hub for open innovation in various fields of technology.

Valuable Exchange of Best Practices

The visit also included detailed briefings on Upper Austria’s regional strategy for innovation. The delegation interacted with Business Upper Austria – OÖ. Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, the Mechatronics Cluster, and the Tech2b Startup Incubator. These sessions provided valuable insights into how regional initiatives contribute to broader national innovation goals.

This knowledge exchange is pivotal for advancing Slovakia’s innovation agenda. The collaborative learning from Austria’s successful models is expected to enhance Slovakia’s approach to innovation, particularly in leveraging digital transformation for economic growth and resilience.

EIT Manufacturing East extends its gratitude to all participants who contributed to the productive discussions and knowledge sharing.

The Slovak delegation included officials from: VAIA – Research and Innovation Authority, MHSR – Ministry of Economy, MIRRI – Ministry of Investment, Regional Development, and Informatization, SARIO – Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency and from SIEA – Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency.