Join us at the Innovation Day in Ljubljana 2024, where we will explore the lates technological trends and ideas!

Welcome to the Innovation Day Ljubljana 2024!

Join us for an international day of inspiration, creativity and collaboration at our traditional Innovation Day Ljubljana event. SRIP Factories of the Future is organising this year’s event and we’re very proud to be organising this event in collaboration with EIT Manufacturing and EIT Health and in partnership with SRIP Smart Cities and Communities and SRIP Health – Medicine. The focus of this conference is on advanced manufacturing technologies in smart cities to enhance the community health.

Get ready to network with industry leaders, listen to insightful presentations from our keynote speakers, hear their views at round tables and discover the latest innovation trends. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a budding entrepreneur, this event is perfect for anyone looking to develop new ideas and drive change. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of something extraordinary!


8:30-10:00 Registration & Admission

09:00 Opening: Igor KovačSRIP ToP, JSI

09:05 Opening speech: Marko Lotrič, President of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia

09:25 Opening speech: Mark Boris Andrijanič, Member of EIT Governing Board

09:45 Manufacturing panel openingIgor Kovač, SRIP ToP, JSI & Johannes Hunschofsky, EIT Manufacturing

09:50 – 11:20 Panel 1: Manufacturing, Moderation – Johannes Hunschofsky, EIT Manufacturing

  • Johannes HunschofskyEIT ManufacturingEIT Manufacturing presentation
  • Nina Kostevšek, JSI, The importance of materials in the service of the community and humanity – the example of cancer therapy,
  • Fernando Alba ElíasUdLR, General application of green plasma technologies in environment and medicine
  • Gordon Cheng, TUM, Applications of robotics/exoskeletons in working and other environment

Roundtable 1: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in Smart Cities for a Healthy Living and Working Environment

  • Roundtable participantsNina Kostevšek, Fernando Alba Elias, Maja Brelih Lotrič, Gordon Cheng

Coffee break (11:15 – 12:00)

12:00 Smart cities and Communities panel opening Matjaž Logar, SRIP SC&C, JSI Theresa Neuhauser, EITM

12:05 – 13:10 Panel 2: Smart Cities and Communities, Moderation – Theresa Neuhauser, EIT Manufacturing

  • Katharina HöftbergerUrban Innovation Vienna, Ensuring a healthy ecosystem – coexistence of production, community and environment
  • Milena HorvatIJS, The importance of monitoring environmental parameters for humans (quality of water, air, soil)
  • Mario VašakSZFE, Optimization-based design, scheduling and control of buildings and infrastructure systems

Roundtable 2Smart Cities and Communities for a Healthy Living and Working Environment

  • Roundtable participantsKatarina Höftberger, Matjaž Logar, Matjaž Rakovec, Milena Horvat, Mario Vašak

Lunch (13:10 – 14:30)

14:30 Health and medicine panel opening Alenka Rožaj Brvar, SIH EEIG Astrid KaltenböckEITH

14:35 – 15:55 Panel 3: Health, Moderation – Astrid Kaltenböck EIT Health & Ferenc Pongracz Innostars HU

  • Astrid KaltenböckEIT Health, EIT Health presentation
  • Nick GuldemondLeiden University Medical Center, Good practise in the development and transfer of new technologies to the healthcare system
  • Vojko FlisUKC Maribor, An example of good practise in the implementation of digitalisation in medicine and home care
  • Mark PleškoCosylab, Artificial Intelligence and big data in Medicine

Roundtable 3: Health and Medicine in the Context of Advanced Manufacturing and Smart Cities and Communities

  • Roundtable participantsNick Guldemond, Vojko Flis, Mark Pleško, Ferenc Pongracz

Coffee break (16:00 – 16:30)

16:30 – 17:15 Integrated Round table: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in Smart Cities for Enhanced Community Health

  • Roundtable participants: Saša Bavec, Gordon Cheng, Katharina Höftberger, Nick Guldemond, moderator: Tjaša Zajc

17:15 – 17:30 Closing by Johannes Hunschofsky, Astrid Kaltenböck, Matjaž Logar, Alenka Rožaj Brvar, Igor Kovač

Dinner 17:30 Dinner opening – Dejan Crnek Deputy Mayor of the City of Ljubljana SLO



To make a hotel booking at the reduced rate for event participants, please follow the link:

Hotel(s) offering your special group rate

Special rate is available for bookings made until 25.10.2024.