BoostUp! North 2023 Grand Final in Gothenburg

We proudly present to you six startups that will pitch their solutions on stage:
Litech AS
NSS Water Enhancement Technology AB
Intelecy AS
Rebaba AB

Three winning startups selected will receive prize awards to support their European expansion strategy.

A keynote will be held by Jonas Wilhelmsson, Global Director Sustainable Innovation for Ericsson ONE and Head of Innovation & Sustainability at Ericsson on: “Sustainable Innovation – where is the industry heading and how could startups & industry play their roles?”

Our three honorary jury members have been carefully selected as follows:
Renato Silva Neves, Head of Technology Scouting at SKF Group
Linn Clabburn, Innovation Ventures Leader, Inter IKEA Group
Farugh Ebrahimpur, Senior Business Development Manager, EIT Manufacturing

Don’t miss the final of the BoostUp! North 2023 competition at GoWest – Nordic Venture Capital Forum. See you there!


Read more about the BoostUp! North competition HERE.