Voltage – Vocational Training in the Battery Industry

Voltage is a transformative and forward-looking Erasmus+ project that spearheads innovation in the dynamic and growing battery industry. Through strategic collaborations with partners in FinlandGermanyPortugalSweden and Türkiye, the project places a strong emphasis on vocational education and training (VET) to address the industry’s evolving demands. The project is co-funded by the European Union.

With a long-term vision in mind, Voltage aims to build a skilled workforce capable of driving the future of the battery sector. At the heart of the project lies the establishment of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs). By fostering strong industry partnerships, Voltage creates a platform where knowledge, expertise, and resources converge, facilitating the seamless integration of VET into the battery sector. This Erasmus+ project aims to establish Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE), across several regions in Europe for the burgeoning battery industry, to ensure the long-term necessary skills supply to the many battery factories currently being established in Europe. 

The project pioneers innovative approaches to training and collaborative platforms to deliver cutting-edge education experiences. Moreover, Voltage recognizes the significance of strategic dissemination efforts to maximise its impact. By sharing best practices, success stories, and project outcomes, the project aims to inspire stakeholders, policymakers, and the wider community. Ultimately, Voltage envisions a future where regional and transnational collaboration in the battery industry thrives, powered by a skilled and knowledgeable VET workforce.  

By embracing the opportunities presented by the green and digital transitions, the project contributes long-term to new job opportunities, stimulates economic growth, and contributes to the overall sustainable development of Europe.  

Curious to know more? Visit Voltage’s website and follow the project on LinkedIn.

Why it matters

The battery industry’s rapid transformation is key to the green transition and digitalisation of industries across Europe. Aligning with European priorities, our robust and innovative battery industry strategy is not only economically vital but strategically essential in promoting the security of supply, reinforcing Europe’s position in the global landscape.

  • The battery industry plays a critical role in the EU from both the sustainability and security perspectives. Firstly, it is a key enabler of the transition towards a sustainable and low-carbon future.
  • Secondly, the battery industry enhances the EU’s security by promoting energy independence. By investing in domestic battery manufacturing capabilities, the EU reduces its dependence on external suppliers and safeguards against potential disruptions in the global supply chain.
  • Furthermore, the battery industry fosters innovation, research, and development, driving economic growth and creating high-quality jobs within the EU. It serves as a catalyst for technological advancements, promoting European competitive individuals and organisations to excel in battery-related fields.