Twin City Innovation Manufacturing Hub
Twin City Future Innovation Manufacturing Hub (2CFIMH)
The Twin City Future Innovation Manufacturing Hub (2CFIMH) is a cross-border initiative fostering innovation, collaboration, and sustainable growth in the manufacturing sector between Austria and Slovakia. Bringing together industry leaders, academia, government, and civil society, the project aims to develop future-proof strategies, support startups, enhance workforce skills, and drive co-creation. Through exploratory missions, pilot programs, and strategic recommendations, 2CFIMH paves the way for a resilient and competitive manufacturing ecosystem in the Twin City region.
The overarching main objective of this project is to formulate recommendations for a transnational innovation strategy in the manufacturing sector and to create conditions for an innovation hub in Vienna and Bratislava. The focus will be on the targeted transfer of innovative solutions for in-company training and further education, support and further development of start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises. The aim is also to intensify cooperation between universities, manufacturing companies and the maker and start-up community.
Joint cross-border activities include workshops, exploration trips, expert groups, knowledge transfer, handbook creation, and consolidation of results from work packages into a strategy recommendation handbook as well as formulation of Memorandums of Understanding in coordination with political stakeholders.
Key project facts
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
• Project budget: €2,666,647.84
• ERDF funding: €2,133,318.27
• Project duration: 01.07.2024 – 30.06.2027
• Project abbreviation: 2C FIMH (404101DXL3)
The 2C FIMH project consortium:
Lead: EIT Manufacturing East GmbH (EITM)
WP1: Technical University Bratislava (STU)
WP2: Accent Incubator GmbH (ACC)
WP3: EIT Manufacturing East GmbH (EITM)
WP4: In2Make Industry meets Makers GmbH (IMM)
WP5: Verein Industrie 4.0 Österreich – die Plattform für intelligente Produktion (PIA)
Partner: City of Vienna municipal department (MA23)
Partner: Slovak Alliance for Innovative Economy (SAPIE)
Strategic Partners:
Capital of the Slovak Republic Bratislava (BA)
Trnava self-governing region (TSK)
Bratislava self-governing region (BSK)
Technisches Museum Wien (TMW)
Junior Achievement Austria (JA AT)
Junior Achievement Slovakia (JA SK)
Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland (WAB)
Impacthub Vienna (IHV)
Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (CVTI SR)
Vienna Business Agency (WAW)
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