Learning Nuggets for Robots and Physical Assistance in Manufacturing

Learning Nuggets for Robots and Physical Assistance in Manufacturing – [RoboNuggets]

RoboNuggets provides state of the art learning content for the Guided Learning Platform (GLP) of EIT Manufacturing. It creates modular, interactive lessons (so-called “learning nuggets”) in robotics and physical assistance in manufacturing. RoboNuggets employs an innovative didactical framework that supports the educational needs of different target groups (so-called “learning paths”). Industry partners and existing learning factories provide use cases from different business units and application areas. The learning factories in Vienna and associated learning factories will allow the production of nuggets in a controlled environment, testing of prototype content and practical exam.

RoboNuggets will attract talents to manufacturing and increase the knowledge in robotics and physical assistance. Further, it will help to bridge the gap between education and learning and the needs of the industrial partners in order to ensure the necessary skills of current and future employees.


Leading organization

TU WienTU Wien

TU Wien
