The LEONARDO project (Learning & Experimentation OpeN-Access factoRy for inDustrial wOrkforce 5.0) aims to transform Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) education by establishing innovative teaching methods, materials, and tools with a human-centric approach. To do so, the project will leverage an industry 5.0 replica of a brewing system as a hands-on learning environment for students.
LEONARDO will thus foster the entrepreneurial skills of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) students by providing an applied learning environment to develop and test ideas. The brewing system called LEAF (= Learning and Experimenting open-Access Factory) will facilitate innovative learning approaches as well as new teaching methods. In a broader scope, LEONARDO is committed to strengthening the education & training systems and triggering a modernisation of Industrial Engineering and Management towards human-centricity.
LEONARDO also intends to shape the future of higher education institutions (HEI) by equipping individuals with the skills, knowledge, and tools they need to thrive in an ever-evolving industrial environment. In that context, the project aims to nurture a European community of faculty and HEI staff committed to reinforcing the education & training systems and triggering a modernisation of IEM education in the light of human-centricity in Industry 5.0.
Stay updated on LEONARDO via LinkedIn and via the LEONARDO website.
Why it matters
LEONARDO addresses various current challenges and opportunities within higher education. First, Higher Education Institutions aim to stay competitive in the international academic arena in line with the industry 5.0 paradigm. At the same time, students seek to expand their skills to be prepared for the future job market.
Furthermore, students wish to practise Industrial Engineering and Management concepts in real-world environments (i.e., Teaching Factories). Finally, faculties need to create attractive courses on human-centric smart factories.
LEONARDO intends to build capacity and adapt curricula to better prepare students for the Future of Work and to support the transition towards an Edu-force 5.0, a community of trainers and professors at HEIs that share common knowledge and approaches in training the next generation of 5.0 students in a lifelong learning approach.
Project Key Facts
- Project Start: September 2023
- Duration: 24 months
- Funding: LEONARDO is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme KA-220 Cooperation Partnerships for Higher Education – No. 2023-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000164699.