Interactive Manufacturing @ Schools (InMas)

Pupils raising handsPeople raising hands in class

This project is addressing the lack of newcomers to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and manufacturing related fields. To do so, the ‘InMaS’ project is establishing an activity-based cooperation with High Schools, with the objective of providing hands-on experinece and inspiration to pupils.

Thus, the project will contribute to EIT Manufacturing objectives by sharing information about the manufacturing sector, teaching some basic skills, and inspire young pupils to pursue a career in manufacturing.  This activity combines two complementary lines of activities: Robitics and manufacturing systems. We expect that this kind of approach will be far more effective than other approaches, because based on our preliminary findings pupils are interested in getting hands-on experience with technologies.

Lead partner:

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Project consortium:

  • Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation
  • University of Patras;Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
  • Spinea
  • University of Tartu

Project lead contact:



University of Tartu

Associate Partner, Hubs (RIS)

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