cIrcular competeNces to Foster manufacturIng inNovation In-Training companY
About the project
Infinity focuses on green manufacturing by fostering circular economy skills among employees, professionals and vocational learners in the manufacturing industry.
Purpose of the project
Infinity’s purpose is to design a modular learning journey that provides competence in the field of green manufacturing based on circular economy principles. The journey will be built on flexible learning pills, in order to allow quick training and skill attainment.
Societal impact
Training will be provided to more than 400 learners, including professional and vocational education students.
Main results & insights
Three Learning paths made of 50 nuggets that encompass circular economy concepts – from principles and theory to practical application competencies in business impact and manufacturing techniques.
Quote from the Activity Leader
A true shift toward more sustainable manufacturing is not possible without constant training of key industry professionals
Antonella Tozzi, Public Funding and Innovation Specialist, Kilometro Rosso
Core partner