Getting manufacturing back to Europe

EuProGigant, the Austrian-German lighthouse project for Gaia-X in manufacturing, stands for “European Production Giganet for calamity avoiding self-orchestration of value chain and learning ecosystems”.
EIT Manufacturing Central and EIT Manufacturing East are part of the binational project consortium, which consists of 16 Austrian and German partners working on questions related to the smart and sovereign use of data in manufacturing. The envisioned infrastructure is based on the principles of Gaia-X, a European federated and secure data infrastructure. The consortium is supported by the industrial committee, the intergenerational advisory board and the international scientific advisory board.
The goal of the project is the demonstration and scaling of a multi-location, digitally networked production ecosystem with resilient, data-driven and sustainable value creation to strengthen the pioneering role of the European industry. The project is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) with a total of ca. € 5 Mio. (total project volume € 8.5 Mio.). The project started on 1 March 2021 and will run for four years.