Advanced Design for Advanced Applications

About the project
ADAA develops a learning program mainly for professional designers for upskilling in modern manufacturing solutions, such as AM, soft robotics, and multi-material manufacturing.
Purpose of the project
Technologies such as AM and multi-axis CNC offer new design freedom, which can be used to create parts with superior properties e.g. in cooling, acoustics, or vibration.
Societal impact
Enabling designers to apply these technologies will result in more resource- and cost-efficient products, leading to greener and more competitive production.
Main results & insights
Learning paths on Topology Optimization, Biomimetics, Compliant Mechanisms, Multimerial Design, Soft Robots, Acoustics, Heat Exchangers, Fibre-reinforced– and 4D AM.
Quote from the Activity Leader
With ADAA, we provide professional learners with the unique opportunity to catch up with the newest state of the art in manufacturing and use it for their business opportunities.
Dr.-Ing. Dirk Herzog, Senior Project Manager, Additive Academy, Fraunhofer IAPT
Core partner