Central Region
Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland and Ukraine

About us

The EIT Manufacturing Central team offers services across Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland and Ukraine. We host and implement various education, innovation and business creation activities of EIT Manufacturing, also supporting entrepreneurial activities locally and on a pan-European level.

Additionally, we are also partners in several funded projects on several topics:

We are located in Darmstadt, Germany, in the southern part of the Frankfurt Metropolitan Region. The region is home to a plethora of high-tech companies, scientific institutions and universities as well as to startups and scaleups.

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GlobalCentral Region
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Bright Cape
GlobalCentral Region
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Festo Didactic
GlobalCentral Region
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GlobalCentral Region
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GlobalCentral Region
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Łukasiewicz Research Network PIAP
GlobalCentral Region
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