European Manufacturing Innovation Platform (EMIP) Realization Phase

European Manufacturing Innovation Platform (EMIP) Realization Phase

The “European Manufacturing Innovation Platform” (EMIP) will be set during the first year of operation and will initially be used to interactively connect Core Partners with institutions and stakeholders of the “Facilitating Layer”. In a second step, the EMIP will become the vehicle for connecting the whole European manufacturing community towards open innovation, offering functionalities such as matchmaking for innovation, ideation and innovation hotspots identification as well as a interface to GP. Practically, Made by Europe will support the “Three O’s”, the established three goals for EU research and innovation policy, Open Innovation, Open Science and Open to the World, by making available the following functionalities through the EMIP: 1) facilitate access to data and generated knowledge towards Open Innovation, 2) exploit digital technologies for new ways of distributing knowledge towards Open Science, and 3) increase visibility of EU research policy aiming to tackle global challenges.


Leading organization: Siemens

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