What is SIC?
The SIC (Scientific Industrial Committee) is the main governing board of the EIT Manufacturing Doctoral School and consists of EIT Manufacturing Academic Partners inside the consortium of the Doctoral School and Non-academic Partners such as industries, research centers, associations, etc.
Important: The Open Call for SIC is only open to Non-academic Partners of EIT Manufacturing.
Roles and Responsibilities of SIC:
- Biannual review of the Doctoral School activity
- Validation of vision and strategy every 2 years
- Suggest Manufacturing topics for Innovation & Entrepreneurship programme
- Support to shape the annual Call for Proposal (CfP)
- Facilitate industrial mobility and networking for students
- Assist in PhD applicant evaluation and support opening new PhD positions
- Facilitate dissemination events and support the renewal of EIT label
Benefits of Being Part of the SIC Committee:
- Foster collaborations with Doctoral School partner universities
- Engage with young talents and technical experts for innovative ideas
- Shape innovation topics and the Doctoral School programme
Apply before 28 April 2024
Evaluation will be processed considering,
The balance of the SIC members, in terms of type of organization and size; the profile and motivation of similar candidates.
Got a question?!
Write to us at doctoralschool@eitmanufacturing.eu