IndustryUp 2024

IndustryUp 2024

If you are a start-up from Slovakia, and if you seek to internationalise and scale your business – look no further than IndustryUp 2024!

What’s in it for you?

The 10 shortlisted finalists from the first phase will get the chance to pitch their solution to a jury of experts during the second phase.

The top 3 winning startups of the second phase will receive a “growth package” service support, for a total duration of up to two months, to support their European expansion strategy.

Who can apply?

IndustryUp 2024 is open to startups from Slovakia with solutions in the realm of manufacturing technologies. In particular, submissions need to fit one of the following EIT Manufacturing focus areas, one of the following thematic areas: Digitalisation and Automation, Net Zero Industry, Renewable Energy and Circular Economy;

and any of the following priority technologies, products and/or solutions:

  • Industrial AI,
  • Robotics,
  • Additive Manufacturing,
  • Advanced Materials,
  • Critical Components,
  • Electronics,
  • Semiconductors,
  • Photonics,
  • Quantum Computing,
  • Renewables,
  • Energy Storage,
  • Carbon Capture.

For more details, please refer to the Guidelines.

How to apply

The following documentation must be submitted by the applicants through the submission platform no later than the call deadline 6 September 2024, 23:59 CET:

(1) The Application Form, duly filled in
(2) Company Pitch Deck in Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx) format; such file will be used as supporting presentation in case the startup is shortlisted for the 2nd phase: the document must be tailored to a 5 minutes presentation and the following details shall be clearly outlined:

  • Business snapshot (founding date, office(s), company/solution evolution)
  • Description of product/service (pain point, solution, IP, proven and potential technological innovation, potential impact, competition)
  • Team and governance (founders and key personnel, roles and backgrounds, board members and/or advisors, if any)
  • Market and sales (positioning, market need, key market(s), pipeline, roadmap)
  • Business model (what are you selling and how, recurrent/non-recurrent sales)
  • Competition/Key differentiators
  • Very brief financial history and projections (burn rate, forecasts)
  • Fundraising history and plan (previous investments, current plan if applicable)


NOTE: Only applications submitted through the online link (please see below) before the deadline will be accepted and considered. The organisers reserve the right to extend the submission deadline; any extension of the deadline will be communicated to the public on the competition website.

For more details, please consult our Guidelines.


Call opening: July 26th, 2024, 12:00 AM CET (start of day)

Call closing:  September 6th, 2024, 23:59 CET (end of day)

Eligibility and admissibility check: September 9th, 2024

1st phase – evaluation and selection of finalists: until September 13th, 2024

Announcement of the 2nd phase finalists: September 16th, 2024

2nd phase – in-person pitching event: October 3rd, 2024


Only applications received through Submittable are valid.