What is INDUSAC?

INDUSAC project aims to create an innovative Industry-Academia Collaboration mechanism for fast, challenge-driven, and human-centred co-creation. The project’s goal is to validate this mechanism through the implementation of at least 300 international co-creation projects, led by diverse teams of students, researchers, and industry professionals. These projects will span various activities and target multiple industrial sectors, acting as a bridge between business and academia.

What’s in it for you?

Discover exciting opportunities through the EU-funded INDUSAC project under the Horizon Europe program. INDUSAC invites students to engage in short-term research collaborations (lasting 4-8 weeks) with leading companies, tackling real-world industry challenges. This unique experience not only allows you to apply your academic knowledge in a practical setting but also provides financial support exclusively for student members of the co-creation team. Join us to make meaningful industry connections, gain hands-on experience, and contribute to innovative solutions that matter.

Budget: up to 1,000 EUR gross per student (lump sum), up to 3,000 EUR gross per co-creation team wherein only students are eligible for funding; 900,000 EUR gross in total, for supporting 300 projects.

What are the areas addressed?

INDUSAC focuses on four areas:

  • Circularity
  • General Sustainability
  • Digitalisation
  • Industry 4.0

Expected outcome

● 300 successful collaborations between industry and academia,
● Supported co-creation projects shall include at least 50% female representation overall (not on the individual co-creation project level).
● 60% of members of the co-creation teams must be from Widening Countries.
● Distribution of 900.000 EUR gross for FSTP to student members of the co-creation teams

Important Dates

Opening date: November 2023
Deadline model: single-stage, three cut-off dates

Deadline for submitting a Motivation Letter:
● 11.02.2024, 23:59 CET
● 18.06.2024, 23:59 CET
● 30.09.2024, 23:59 CET
● 30.10.2024, 23:59 CET
● 30.11.2024. 23:59 CET
● 30.01.2025. 23:59 CET

The Motivation Letter from a co-creation team is considered submitted once all co-creation team members confirm participation in the co-creation team and confirm the terms and conditions.