Legal Documents
The “EIT Manufacturing” website is published by EIT MANUFACTURING, a French non-for-profit association (association loi 1901) registered with the National Directory of Associations of Essonne in France (W913012329).
- Siret number: 880 778 576 00012
- Whose registered office is located at: Paris-Saclay, NanoINNOV, 2 Boulevard Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau, France;
- E-mail address: Contact details of the EITM and its CLCs
Due to not-for-profit nature of the activities, our association does not have an EU VAT number.
- FR VAT: FR62 880778576
The Director of the publication is: Ms. Cristina Carneiro
Our website is hosted by: Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics
University of Patras
Rio, Patras 26504, Greece
Tel: +30 2610 910160, +30 2610 910166, +30 2610 997262
Fax: +30 2610 997314
Our Web maintenance partner: WAAT Poland
located at Telewizyjna 48, 01-492 Warsaw, Poland;
Email contact:
Previously designed by: InTheCold AB
You can contact us at any time using the following contact address (
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