ShapiNG – Shaping the Next Generation of manufacturing professionals

Shaping activity

Shaping the Next Generation of manufacturing professionals – [ShapiNG]

ShapiNG I project goal is to motivate and raise the interest of young Europeans, with particular emphasis on high school students (ages 15-18) and with a special focus on females, for activities in the field of manufacturing, within the EIT RIS countries: Portugal, Spain, Greece, and Slovakia.

A network of Smart Manufacturing Demonstrators, which will aid Universities and Research and Technology Organisations to attract young students in EIT RIS countries, creating a realistic and positive image of the manufacturing industry, will be created. By “socialising” with smart manufacturing challenges and career opportunities in early ages, students will be encouraged to consider a career in manufacturing and therefore help ensure a future with available and well qualified workforce. The Smart Manufacturing Demonstrators will be used in seminars and workshops to be held in high schools to promote awareness about the manufacturing fields.


Gil Gonçalves

Assistant Professor Software and Systems Engineering | Prod-Dean of International Affairs @ U.PORTO/ FEUP

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